Moog Minimoog

MIDI Retrofit

We can retrofit your Minimoog with MIDI . All you’ll see on the outside are MIDI In and Thru sockets, and a red push button. These fit next to the audio output socket at the back / top of the Minimoog. With the retrofit you’ll have MIDI control of Notes, Pitchbend, Modulation, Filter cutoff, Volume, Portamento / Glide, Sustain. Note that the retrofit is for MIDI In only, there is no MIDI Out. We can fit the retrofit for you at our workshops in South-West London, or if you have the requisite skills, you can buy a kit.

Click here for Kenton MIDI retrofit for the Minimoog

If you want to control your Minimoog using a MIDI to CV converter, then you will need to consider all of the following:

1) Sockets – locating and connecting to the appropriate sockets.
2) MIDI to CV converter and the correct settings for it
3) Leads – selecting the correct ones
4) Setting the Minimoog to accept the incoming signals

1) Sockets
The Minimoog is already fitted with CV & S-Trig control sockets, which is all you need for control of the notes, it also has other input sockets on 1/4″ mono jacks which can be driven using the Aux outputs of our products. The three most relevant sockets are as follows:

CV INPUT ( for controlling the pitch of the notes)
Labelled: Osc IN
Socket type: 1/4″ mono jack
Connections: Tip = CV input signal, Sleeve = Ground (to screen)
Setting on converter: Volt/Octave – this is the default setting on our converters.

S-TRIG INPUT (for controlling when the notes play)
Labelled: S-TRIG IN
Socket type: Cinch-Jones 2 flat pins
Connections: Narrow flat pin= s-trig input signal, fatter flat pin= Ground (to screen)
Setting on converter: S-Trig – this needs to be selected on our converters (refer to the converter manual for how to do this)

FILTER INPUT (for changing the cutoff frequency of the filter and hence the sound)
Labelled: FILTER
Socket type: 1/4″ mono jack
Connections (Jack): Tip = input signal, Sleeve = Ground (to screen)
Setting: Input range 10V

2) MIDI to CV converter (or USB MIDI to CV converter)
Use this link to see the range of Kenton converters suitable for this model

Kenton MIDI to CV converters

Use the following settings on the converter for this synthesiser:
CV – This synthesiser requires Volt/Octave control. This is the default setting on our converters.
Gate/Trig – This synthesiser requires s-trig with no pullup – this requires a change from the Kenton default
Aux1 – Filter socket can be connected to the AUX1 output of our converters using their default setting.
Aux2 (if available) – Loudness socket can be connected to AUX2 output – ensure that the MIDI controller is initially set to maximum so there is voltage at this socket or else you will hear nothing!

If you would like to know more about MIDI to CV conversion, please read the following page on our website:

What is MIDI to CV?

3) Leads

You will need the following leads for connecting one of our MIDI to CV converters to your Minimoog:
2 x 3.5mm mono jack to 1/4″ mono jack lead (3 if you are connecting loudness too)
1 x 3.5mm mono jack to Cinch-Jones 2 flat pins mono jack lead

Both types of lead are available in several lengths.


4) Settings to change on the Minimoog itself

Ensure that you play bottom F on the Minimoog keyboard before starting a session using a MIDI to CV converter. This is because the incoming CV is added to the Minimoog keyboard voltage. If you try to offset the tuning by playing a C, the tuning will slowly drift downwards as the sample and hold capacitor in the Minimoog gradually discharges. Playing bottom F ensures the offset voltage is zero initially and decreases the chance of tuning drift. You should use the transpose feature on the converter to bring the tuning into line.

On the Minimoog, bottom F is zero volts CV (on most synths bottom C is zero volts) – this means that you need to transpose the CV converter so that a C plays a C. This means transposing the converter down 5 semitones (or up 7) – on some of our converters this is called transpose, and on others, coarse tune.