Clocking the arpeggiator of your synthesiser

Find out how to use MIDI to clock the arpeggiator of your synthesiser using Kenton MIDI to CV converters

Kenton’s MIDI to CV converters will allow you to use the MIDI Clock to clock the arpeggiator on your synth if it has an External Clock socket. Examples of synths with an external clock socket include:

  • Korg MonoPoly
  • Roland Juno-6, Juno-60, Jupiter-4, Jupiter-8, SH-101

Which Products do I need?

The following MIDI converters all have clock outputs, so can be used to clock your synth’s arpeggiator:

The following discontinued products can also be used to clock your synth’s arpeggiator:

  • Pro Solo Mk I and II
  • Pro 2
  • Pro 4

You will need 1 x 3.5mm to 1/4″ jack lead or 3.5mm to 3.5mm mono jack lead to connect the converter to the External Clock In socket on your synth. Some common synths are listed below:

SynthesiserSocketLead required
Korg MonoPolyARPEGGIO TRIG IN3.5mm to 1/4″ mono jack lead
Roland Juno-6ARPEGGIO CLOCK IN3.5mm to 1/4″ mono jack lead
Roland Juno-60ARPEGGIO CLOCK IN3.5mm to 1/4″ mono jack lead
Roland Jupiter-4EXT CLOCK IN3.5mm to 1/4″ mono jack lead
Roland Jupiter-8ARPEGGIO CLOCK3.5mm to 1/4″ mono jack lead
Roland SH-101EXT CLK IN3.5mm to 1/4″ mono jack lead
Common synths with externally clockable arpeggiators

Connecting the MIDI converter

Use the following output on your MIDI converter:

MIDI ConverterOutput
Pro Solo Mk3Aux 2 or Aux 3
USB SoloAux 3
Modular SoloClock 1 or Clock 2
Pro-2000 MkI and IIClock Out
Pro-DCB Mk3Clock Out
Pro-KADI MkIIClock Out
Pro Solo MkI (in sync mode)Aux
Pro Solo MkIIAux 1 (Clock)
Pro 2Arp Clock
Pro 4Clock
Clock Outputs on MIDI Converters

MIDI Converter settings

You will need to set the Clock Divide Ratio, Clock Polarity and Continue = Start parameters on the MIDI Converter.

The MIDI Clock runs at 24ppqn (pulses per quarter note). Your synth will play one note per pulse, so you will need to set the Clock Divide Ratio to play notes at your desired speed (see table at bottom of this page).

Clock Polarity should be set to positive or negative, depending on your synthesiser’s requirements. Some of our converters have a dedicated polarity setting, others use Maximum and Minimum Values to set the polarity.

Continue = Start should be set based on how your sequencer sends start messages. Some sequencers, rather than sending a MIDI Clock Start message, send a Song Position Pointer = 0 message followed by Continue. When turned off, Continue messages will only be treated as Start if immediately preceded by a Song Position Pointer = 0 message.

The table below explains which parameters to set on your MIDI Converter:

MIDI ConverterParameterKorg MonoPolyRoland
Pro Solo Mk3 using Aux2P30 – Aux 2 Controller[CL1] Clock Divider 1 or
[CL2] Clock Divider 2
[CL1] Clock Divider 1 or
[CL2] Clock Divider 2
P31 – Aux 2 Minimum Value500 (default)
P32 – Aux 2 Maximum Value050
P60 – Clock 1 Divide Ratio or
P70 – Clock 1 Divide Ratio
Set to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
P92 – Continue = StartOn (default) or
On (default) or
Pro Solo Mk3 using Aux3P40 – Aux 3 Controller[CL1] Clock Divider 1 or
[CL2] Clock Divider 2
[CL1] Clock Divider 1 or
[CL2] Clock Divider 2
P41 – Aux 3 Minimum Value500 (default)
P42 – Aux 3 Maximum Value050
P60 – Clock 1 Divide Ratio or
P70 – Clock 2 Divide Ratio
Set to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
P92 – Continue = StartOn (default) or
On (default) or
USB SoloP44 – Aux 3 Controller[CL i] Timing Clock (inverted)[CLK] Timing Clock
P41 – Clock Divide RatioSet to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
P92 – Continue = StartOn (default on later verions) or
On (default on later verions) or
Modular SoloP70 – Clock1 type or
P80 – Clock2 type
[cLi] Clock inverted[cLn] Clock normal
P71 – Clock 1 Divide Ratio or
P81 – Clock 2 Divide Ratio
Set to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
P73 – Clock1 voltage or
P83 – Clock2 voltage
[ 05] +5v output[ 05] +5v output
Pro-2000SYNC Clock DivideSet to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
SYNC CLOCK Polarity-ve+ve (default)
SYNC MIDI CLOCK ContinueStart or
Ignored (default)
Start or
Ignored (default)
Pro-DCB Mk3b – Clock Divide RatioSet to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
C – Positive / Negative edge clock pulseNegativePositive (default)
D – Continue = startOn (default) or
On (default) or
Pro-KADI Mk I and IIb – Clock Divide RatioSet to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
C – Positive / Negative edge clock pulseNegativePositive (default)
D – Continue = startOn (default) or
On (default) or
Pro Solo MkI (in sync mode)K – Clock Divide RatioSet to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
L – Positive / Negative edge clock pulse[Nv] Negative[Pv] Positive (default)
N – Continue = startOn (default) or
On (default) or
Pro Solo MkII20 – Aux 1 controller number[Cl] Clock[Cl] Clock
21 – Aux 1 minimum value500 (default)
22 – Aux 1 maximum value050
40 – Continue = startOn (default) or
On (default) or
41 – Clock divide ratioSet to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
Pro 2ARP CLOCK DIVIDEN/ASet to appropriate ratio – see table below
CONTINUE = STARTN/AOn (default) or
Pro 4SYNC > ARPEGGIO Clock DivideSet to appropriate ratio – see table belowSet to appropriate ratio – see table below
SYNC > ARPEGGIOInvertedNormal (default)
SYNC > MIDI CLOCK Continueis ignored (default) or = startis ignored (default) or = start
MIDI Converter Clock Settings for clocking the arpeggiator of your synthesiser

The following table describes how to set the clock divide ratio to achieve your desired speed:

Note LengthDivide RatioPPQN
Crotchets (quarter note)241
Crotchet triplets16
Quavers (8th note)122
Quaver triplets8
Semiquaver (16th note)64
Semiquaver triplets46
Demisemiquavers (32nd note)38
Demisemiquaver triplets212
Clock Divide Ratios

Solving MIDI Clock Problems

If you have issues with clocking the arpeggiator, please refer the troubleshooting guide here: Solving MIDI clock problems.