Moog Source

We don’t currently make an internal retrofit for the Moog Source although we used to in the past (1986-2003) and we may do again at some time in the future. Currently however the only option is to use it with one of our range of MIDI (or USB) to CV converters – there is more information on our converters below in section 2.

If you want to control your Moog Source using MIDI, then you will need to consider all of the following:
1) Sockets – locating and connecting to the appropriate sockets & possibly an additional socket.
2) MIDI to CV converter and the correct settings for it
3) Leads – selecting the correct ones

1) Sockets
The Moog Source is already fitted with CV & Trig control sockets, which is all you need for control of the notes, however it could benefit from fitting an additional socket for control of the filter cutoff frequency. The two relevant sockets fitted as standard are as follows:

CV INPUT ( for controlling the pitch of the notes)

Labelled: KB-CV IN/OUT
Socket type: 1/4″ TRS (stereo) jack
Connections: Tip = CV out, Ring = CV input signal, Sleeve = Ground (to screen)
Setting for CV converter: Volts per Octave (CV) – this is the default setting on our converters

GATE/TRIG INPUT (for controlling when the notes play)

Labelled: TRIG IN/OUT
Socket type: 1/4″ TRS (stereo) jack (but could be Cinch-Jones 2 pin – see below)
Connections (Jack): Tip = trig input signal, Ring = Trig Out, Sleeve = Ground (to screen)
Setting for CV converter: S-Trig no pullup

If you have a Cinch-Jones (2 flat pins) connector for Trig: Short pin = trig input signal, Long pin = Ground (to screen)

These connections are described on page 48 & 49 of the Moog Source Owners manual – unfortunately the trig information given in the Source owners manual is incorrect although it is correct in the schematic diagrams.

As mentioned above, Kenton make a 1 socket upgrade for this model which provides a filter cutoff control socket. This will enable you to change the filter cutoff amount using your sequencer or MIDI keyboard.This upgrade is available either as a kit for fitting by your own engineer, or fully fitted by us at our premises in London.

Socket upgrade for Moog Source – kit only – for fitting by a competent synth engineer

Socket upgrade for Moog Source – including fitting by Kenton

2) MIDI to CV converter (or USB MIDI to CV converter)

Use this link to see the range of Kenton converters suitable for this model

Kenton MIDI to CV converters

Use the following settings on the converter for this synthesiser:
CV – This synthesiser requires 1 Volt per Octave control. Set the CV select parameter to CV or Volts/Octave – this is the Kenton default setting
Gate/Trig – This synthesiser requires s-trig with no pullup – this requires a change from the Kenton default
Aux1/Filter – The upgrade socket requires a 0-10V analogue signal – this is the Kenton default setting

If you don’t know anything about MIDI to CV converters and would like to know more, read the following page on our website:

What is MIDI to CV?

3) Leads

If your Moog Source has the 1/4″ jack connector for trig, you will need:
1 x 3.5mm mono jack to RING of 1/4″TRS (stereo) jack lead (available in three lengths) – FOR CV
1 x 3.5mm mono jack to TIP of 1/4″ TRS (stereo) jack lead (available in three lengths) – FOR TRIG
1 x 3.5mm to 3.5mm mono jack lead (for filter socket if fitted) (available in four lengths)

Alternatively, if your Moog Source has the 2 pin Cinch Jones connector for trig, you will need:
1 x 3.5mm mono jack to RING of 1/4″ TRS (stereo) jack lead (available in three lengths) – FOR CV
1 x 3.5mm to Cinch-Jones 2 pin (available in three lengths) – FOR TRIG
1 x 3.5mm to 3.5mm mono jack lead (for filter socket if fitted) (available in four lengths)


Note: We used to advise that EXT Trig had to be enabled on the Moog Source but it appears that this only affects the output trigger and not the input.